Summit: per18

Length: 22:13

What are the sophisticated strategies required to respond to living in a world of sensory overload? In this talk, Tamasein recounts her entreprenuerial story of creating Underground Cinema, considering some of the ingredients necesary for creative entreprenuership and creating bold new experiences.

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This talk is presented by

Tamasein Holyman - Mistress of Make-Believe, Underground Cinema & Co-Founder, Immersive Cinema (Australia)

Designer of the unimagined and Mistress of Make-Believe, Tam’s role is to create distinctive worlds which transport people into other dimensions.

Having spent more than 10 years in the US, Europe and the UK hosting prominent celebrities and events, Tam saw a gap in the market for creative, immersive events when she returned home to Melbourne.

In 2009 she launched Underground Cinema, the secret film-screening experience held in undisclosed locations where guests are immersed into the world of a secret film. Today, she and her team have created over 30 different unique, bespoke worlds and produced more than 100 screenings across Melbourne and Sydney.

Along with being the Creative Director for UGC, Tam is also the Managing Director of Secret Squirrel Productions, storytellers with a strong focus on designing unique participatory experiences in unusual environments.

Working with different brands and clients, SSP blend theatre, cinema and music, to build distinctive universes that transport guests through a fictitious live narrative.

Over the years the team have created diverse innovative experience designs, including an immersive zombie escape room in a 40ft shipping container in Fed Square and a Les Miserables flash mob in Sydney Central Train Station at peak hour. In the world of make-believe anything is possible.