The Immersive Revolution:
How Immersive Entertainment is Driving the new Experience Economy
by Peter Tullin – Co-Founder, REMIX Summits
How is technology enabling new possibilities for immersive experiences?
How are immersive experiences reshaping the arts and cultural sector?
Acknowledgements & Further Resources
A series of extended articles produced with support from the British Council
About the author
Peter Tullin is the Co-Founder of REMIX Summits. This is a leading global innovation summit exploring the future of the creative industries giving him access to leading-edge trends, insights and innovators in the experience economy (speakers have ranged from the CEOs of Burning Man and MoMA to the founders of Meow Wolf and the Head of Live Experiences at Netflix). REMIX takes place in cities including London, New York, Sydney, Istanbul and Dubai and partners include Google, VICE, Microsoft, Bloomberg and Time Out.
Peter is also an experienced entrepreneur and the Co-Founder of CultureLabel.com, a venture-capital-funded e-commerce site selling art and design products from 500+ leading culture brands and artists including Tate, V&A and Guggenheim. Having grown the idea from scratch as one of the first websites to sell art online, CultureLabel was sold in 2014. He is the author of Intelligent Naivety, which is a manual to help creative entrepreneurs turn ideas into reality. He has published multiple research reports on the experience economy including on the Future of Immersive Entertainment for the British Council.
Peter has worked with cultural organisations around the world on innovation projects and as a consultant including Tate, ACMI, Saatchi Gallery, the Houses of Parliament and Fed Square and also works with corporate clients in the Experience Economy sector including Fever who were recently valued at over USD $1 billion. He has also spent time at Google helping create the Google Cultural Institute in Paris. He is a Board member of Museums Victoria (Melbourne Museum, Scienceworks & Immigration Museum), the largest museum organisation in Australia and Geelong Arts Centre. He was a Member of the Victorian government’s Creative Industries Advisory Group in Victoria, was named a member of the Courvoisier Future 500 and is a Senior Industry Fellow at RMIT.
About REMIX Summits
REMIX Summits began in the UK in 2012 and have championed the rise of immersive entertainment for over a decade now (long before it became the latest buzz word in the experience economy). Our earliest conferences in London featured UK pioneers such as Fabien Rigall, Founder of Secret Cinema and Felix Barrett MBE, the Artistic Director and Co-Founder of Punchdrunk. In 2022, Secret Cinema sold for a figure in excess of USD$100 million
As always, my thanks go to my REMIX Agency Co-Founder Simon Cronshaw for his insights and contributions to the thinking in this article.
The author and REMIX Summits would like to thank the British Council for their support as part of The Season towards the creation of this report.
Some of the content from this article is adapted from two recent thought pieces REMIX produced for the UK think-tank Nesta as well as the Singapore Government and you can read these in full here.
Want more REMIX in your life?
Finally, if you want to delve deeper into creative entrepreneurship and immersive experiences then live REMIX Summits take place around the world and some of our back catalogue talks can be accessed for free on our website (although some of the links to more recent talks in this report are from our on-demand Premium Archive). There are also a number of interviews you might want to check out on See Things Differently, the REMIX Podcast.
If you want to get more practical then REMIX has developed an online course called the Business of Culture which helps cultural organisations develop ideas to build new revenue streams and audiences; featuring in-depth explanations of key topics, case studies from real-world innovation projects including some of the examples discussed in this report such as Meow Wolf and Secret Cinema.
REMIX also works with cultural organisations around the world to support innovation projects and strategies including the development of new audiences experiences. Some of this work is discussed here but you can find more information on the REMIX Agency website.
Continue reading:
How is technology enabling new possibilities for immersive experiences?
How are immersive experiences reshaping the arts and cultural sector?
Acknowledgements & Further Resources
A series of extended articles produced with support from the British Council
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