Monica Barone CEO, City of Sydney

Monica has been the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Sydney since 2006, having overseen the development and implementation of the City's long-term vision for Central Sydney - Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050.
She manages approximately 2000 staff, an annual Capital expenditure and Operational expenditure budget of approximately $930 million and $14.3 billion dollars of net assets including the Council's commercial property portfolio.
In 2021 the City of Sydney processed over $2.4 billion dollars of new development. The City's major projects are the CBD Light Rail which commenced operation in December 2019 (initiated and partially funded by City of Sydney but now managed by Transport for NSW) and the $13 billion Green Square Urban Renewal site and is constructing $550 million dollars of public infrastructure including the $100 million dollar Gunyama Aquatic Centre and Sports Complex.
Monica holds a Master’s in Creative Arts, was 2021 University of Wollongong Alumni Award Winner for Professional Excellence and was a 2014 ‘100 Women of Influence’ finalist. She is chair of the Resilient Sydney Steering Committee, on the board of the Global Resilient Cities Network, is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and of Chief Executive Women.