Kira Fong Chief Operations Officer, Goolarri Media Enterprises, Broome, WA

Kira ran her own business in Perth from 1997 prior to her returning to her home town of Broome to take up a position at Goolarri in 2003, bringing with her 8 years of experience in marketing, public relations and event management. Kira is responsible for managing the productions team at Goolarri with staff across television and radio, event project management, music development and the regional Arts Hub. Kira has been responsible for the development and project management of a number of high profile arts and cultural activities including the Kullarri NAIDOC Festival, Shinju Matsuri, Gimme Fest, A Taste of Broome and Goolarri’s Indigenous Contemporary Music Strategy working with industry partners around Australia. Kira has also been the driving force in developing a number of key initiatives including the internationally recognised Kimberley Girl which is in its 15th year and has now expanded into the Pilbara and Goldfields regions of Western Australia. Kira plays an active role in the arts sector and the local community and has sat on the boards of Country Arts WA and CICADA Music (from 2007 to 2013) and is currently the Chairperson of Cable Beach Primary School and the Broome Cluster of Independent Public Schools as well as the Broome Junior Cricket Committee.