Toby Coffey Head of Digital Development, National Theatre (UK)

The remit of the National Theatre is to be a 'pioneer of dramatic storytelling', and digital technologies like VR, 360 degree film and mixed reality are central to achieving this mission. Through their Immersive Storytelling Studio, they bring together technologists with directors, writers and actors to explore new mediums in a private setting, examining the new 'rules' of storytelling in these mediums and considering how traditional theatre skills adapt to this new environment.
Toby Coffey is Head of Digital Development for the National Theatre. His role is responsible for the creative and technical development of the digital interfaces between the NT and its audiences. Toby develops forms of digital engagement and interaction around the NT and its productions. Relevant areas include online, UX, cross-platform, app development, digital publishing, interactive installations, AR, VR, 360˚ films, transmedia and documentary production. He has 15 years expertise in the digital arena from creative, technical, production and social perspectives.