Robin Phua Director, Digital Experience & CIO, State Library of NSW
Robin Phua joined the State Library in 2013 to implement the Digital Excellence Program: a 10-year NSW Government funded project to digitise and make available the Library's most iconic, at-risk, and in-demand collections and to completely renew the Library's underlying information technology infrastructure and systems.
In 2014, Robin also became the Director, Digital Experience & Chief Information Officer, where he now is responsible for a diverse digital and ICT portfolio including digital strategy and innovation, library systems, digital and web channels, information technology services and heritage collection digitisation. He is particularly proud of the digital achievements at the Library, including the heritage digitisation program, the DX Lab experiments and Amplify, the oral history crowd-source transcription platform.
Prior to joining the Library, Robin delivered major digital and ICT projects in health, energy and media sectors and led award-winning industry development and investment attraction programs for the New South Wales and Singapore governments.