Jemima Rellie Director of Content and Audiences, Royal Collection Trust
Jemima Rellie has 20 years experience in cross-platform content creation, promotion, management and exchange in both commercial and not-for-profit sectors. She is passionate about cultural heritage and digital technologies, and how combined they can enhance critical engagement and enrich lives.
Jemima is currently Director of Content and Audiences at Royal Collection Trust. She leads the teams responsible for on-demand resources and scheduled events, produced to engage the widest range of visitors more deeply with the Collection and Palaces. Productions include souvenir books, exhibition catalogues and stand alone titles; performances, lectures and courses; as well as onsite interpretation, including multimedia guides, films, websites and apps.
Previously she was Assistant Director of Communications and Information Resources at The Getty Conservation Institute. In 2001, she was hired as Tate's first Head of Digital Programmes, with responsibility for all public-facing digital content, including a bespoke online programme crucial to establishing Tate Online as the fifth Tate gallery and a leading destination in its own right.
She started her career working in book publishing and at new media startups. Jemima speaks and consults internationally on issues facing the cultural sector in the digital age.