Dr Luke Hespanhol Senior Lecturer, Design, University of Sydney, Director, Master of Interaction Design & Electronic Arts

Dr Luke Hespanhol is a Senior Lecturer in Design at The University of Sydney, Director of the Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts, and a member of the University's Academic Board. Luke holds a PhD in Design, a Graduate Certificate in Education, and a Master in Interaction Design and Electronic Arts at The University of Sydney, a Master in Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design at UNSW, a Bachelor in Computer Science at the University of São Paulo, and a Certificate in Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at Harvard University. Luke's practice investigates the intersection of people, culture, and technology. That includes a range of theoretical and practical angles like Design interventions for and with vulnerable groups, such as First Nations peoples, refugees, and people in prison. It also includes the mediation of cities and culture through digital technologies, across the fields of media architecture, digital storytelling, social and cross-cultural interactions, placemaking, urban informatics, and smart cities. Luke has advanced discussion on these fields through numerous engagements with government, industry, museums, and academic institutions worldwide.