Charlotte Richards Business Intelligence Strategy and Times & Sunday Times Director, News UK
In Charolotte's role of Business Intelligence Strategy and Times & Sunday Times Director, she ensures that research, analytics and campaigning are used to drive better, more customer-focused decisions for all areas of the Times & Sunday Times, including editorial, marketing and finance.
Charlotte excels at storytelling and communications, making sure that our insights have maximum impact on the right audiences. Building and managing a News UK knowledge management platform, the Knowledge Hub, ensures that the whole business has access to a 'corporate memory' of what we have learned about our customers and our activities.
Other areas of responsibility include successful execution of projects to enable the Business Intelligence team to focus on answering the business questions that will make a difference to our customers. Tracking the value created by the BI team, whether that is value in the form of additional revenue or reduced costs, or in driving better brand perceptions or audience reach.