Placemaking and Cultural Tourism at Freemantle WA

Summit: per18

Length: 18:50

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This talk is presented by

Natasha Atkinson - CEO, Fremantle Markets

As a CEO, Board member, RASWA Councillor, Sandalwood farmer, mother, wife, pet owner etc.. the lines between business, home and pleasure are constantly blurred. After finishing school I started but never finished tertiary education, it just wasn’t for me. So I became a business owner at 24, running and operating my own café. This forced me to learn the fundamentals of how to run a business, not the text book guide but the “if I don’t improve my bottom line I’m broke” school of learning, and kick started my career. This on the job learning has followed me throughout my career in roles around Australia within the consumer goods, hospitality and retail industries. To be successful as CEO of the Fremantle Markets I constantly work on communication, vision, problem solving and integrity. My personal mantra is to challenge myself and that there is always room for improvement.