Summit: syd14
Length: 52:57
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This talk is presented by
Kylie Legge, BArch, MSSC (Env & PI) - Founding Director, Place Partners & Place Score
Kylie Legge is a leading voice in the evolving profession of placemaking. She is an architecture graduate, planner, place maker, author, facilitator, curator and entrepreneur. She is the founding Director of Place Partners, a multidisciplinary placemaking consultancy based in Sydney Australia as well as the newly launched Place Score - the world's first place experience measurement tool, and Kylie’s response to the challenge “You can’t measure place”.
Her interests lie in the relationship between people and their urban environments and how we can work better collaboratively to create the kinds of places people want to spend time in. Her commitment to understanding the trends and external factors influencing decision-making ensures that projects she works on are fit for the future.
Rachel Healy - Executive Manager, Culture for the City of Sydney
Rachel has been working in the arts and cultural sector for more than twenty years, including four years as Director of Performing Arts for Sydney Opera House and ten years as General Manager of Belvoir St Theatre. Rachel has also worked for The Australian Ballet, Handspan Theatre and the State Theatre Company of South Australia and as a cultural industries consultant and independent producer. She is currently Executive Manager, Culture for the City of Sydney and is leading the process of developing a new cultural policy for the City.
Michelle Tabet - Founder & Director, Left Bank Co.
Michelle has married her passion for cities with her appreciation of culture to create Left Bank Co., a vehicle to create meaning and connection in urban places.
Driven by the understanding that cities are so much more than meets the eye, Michelle has invested the past 10 years of her career in decoding urban systems and decision-making so that she can leave a lasting positive impact on the cities and projects she works on.
Michelle’s professional purpose is to create more meaningful cities. She does this by using the processes of urban planning to deliver concepts, buildings and institutions that are outside of business as usual. She achieves impact by helping urban leaders gain insight into how different communities, economies and sectors can deliver value to cities.
Michelle is a champion of continual improvement in urban outcomes through innovative property models, design excellence and strategic placemaking.
Louise Mason - Managing Director, Office and Industrial Property, AMP Capital
Louise was appointed Managing Director of AMP Capital Office & Industrial (O&I) in May 2010, heading one of the largest in-house asset, property and development management teams in the industry. O&I provide management services to AMP Capital’s Australian property portfolio and manage some of the country’s premier commercial and industrial properties. Louise is responsible for overseeing the delivery of investment performance for O&I’s clients, aiming to provide operational efficiencies and to protect the value of each property for the client.
Louise joined AMP Capital in 2005 and has over 20 years’ experience in property. Her previous role was Head of Property Development, responsible for the management and delivery of all AMP Capital Property projects to achieve optimal commercial outcomes in line with the owners' objectives. Prior to this, Louise was Head of Development for AMP Capital Shopping Centres where her initial responsibility was reviewing all retail assets for development potential while building a new development team.
Luca Belgiorno-Nettis - Executive Director of Transfield Holdings, Chairman of the Arts Advisory Committees at UTS and UWS
Luca Belgiorno-Nettis was born in Australia and graduated in Architecture and completed a post graduate diploma in Urban Estate Management. He is currently Executive Director of Transfield Holdings, Chairman of the Arts Advisory Committees at UTS and UWS. He has a special interest in urban infrastructure and the politics related thereto. In 2004 he founded The new Democracy Foundation, a non-for-profit research organization focused on political reform. In 2009 he was awarded an AM for his work in arts and the community generally.