Using and Distributing Museum Images – the Artstor Story

Summit: nyc14

Length: 10:49

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This talk is presented by

James Shulman - President, ARTstor

James Shulman serves as ARTstor's President. Working with his colleagues, he developed and implemented plans for creating an organization that now provides a digital library of over 1.8 million images to over 1,500 colleges, universities, schools, and museums around the world; ARTstor also provides the Shared Shelf cataloging and asset management service, and manages a number of free and open services including Images for Academic Publishing and the Built Works Registry (with the Avery Library and the Getty Research Institute). ARTstor was among the initial content hubs that supported the efforts of museums and libraries that provided content to the Digital Public Library of America. He received his BA and Ph.D. from Yale and writes and speaks about issues associated with the educational use of images and digital technology, innovative non-profits, and high impact philanthropy. He serves on the board of Smith College and on the Content and Scope working group for the Digital Public Library of America.