Tanya Denning-Orman Channel Manager, NITV / SBS

Tanya Orman is a Birri and Guugu Yimidhirr woman from North Queensland. Raised on Kanalu country in Central Queensland in the mining town of Blackwater, Tanya’s mother‘s family lived under the Aboriginal Protection Act that saw them removed from their traditional lands and placed in the communities of Hope Vale, Woorabinda and Palm Island until they were permitted to leave in the late 1960s, coinciding with the year they were able to vote in Australia as citizens. Tanya credits her career to her upbringing which she says has led her to passionately pursue storytelling as a vehicle to empower those without a voice.
For nearly two decades Tanya has held positions as a journalist and producer for ABC and SBS. In 2004 a series of reports Tanya produced for SBS on Foetal Alcohol Syndrome gained national recognition and she was given the Prime Minister, National Drug and Alcohol award for Excellence in Media Reporting.
Tanya operated her own production business in 2007. Four years later and at the age of 36 Tanya was offered the position of NITV Channel Manager where she led the organisations transition into the SBS network and launched as a channel free to air and available to 95% of homes in Australia.
Tanya is one of the youngest television executives in Australia and one of only a handful of Aboriginal women in a leadership role in media. NITV is a 24-hour channel broadcasting content made predominantly from the Indigenous production sector including daily news and current affairs.