Mike Sarna Director, Programming & Exhibitions, Royal Museums Greenwich

In July 2012, Mike joined Royal Museums Greenwich (National Maritime Museum, Queen’s House, Cutty Sark and Royal Observatory) to deliver a dynamic public facing offer of exhibitions, programmes and digital content, shifting to an approach on how today’s audiences engage. This has led to development of dynamic offer from augmented reality on a grand scale - The Great Map to five star exhibitions Turner & the Sea, Ansel Adams and Visions of the Universe. He is now excited to be delivering a mammoth scale families offer with the amazing theatre company Punchdrunk - Against Captain’s Orders.
He is interested in how museums “unlock the case”, releasing content in engaging and surprising ways. He challenges the notion of “feeding facts” and engages in ways that involve audiences directly. He has written and presented widely on participation and dialog in museums along with the importance of creating experiences that are authentic and unique. He has worked in numerous museums in the UK and the States from the Natural History Museum, London where he helped develop their groundbreaking exhibitions including the award winning Sexual Nature and was curator of the biggest and best science museum in the world, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.