Mandy Berry Joint Chief Executive, Golant Media Ventures
Mandy has wide experience of the creative and cultural industries and a track record of initiating, developing and leading innovative projects exploring new thinking in digital media. At Golant's spin out company, Cinegi, the new fully digital film distribution service , launching next year in the UK, Mandy leads on content, venues and partnerships strategies. Cinegi is a new secure, HD, download solution for exhibition in cinemas and public venues from towns to the smallest village, from community halls to pubs, opening up new opportunities for audiences and rights holders. Its content offer will include feature film - mainstream, classic, independent, foreign language and art house, documentaries, archive, made-for-TV and recorded theatre, music, dance and comedy. At Golant Mandy builds strategic partnerships with a wide range of businesses and public bodies. She leads Golant’s public affairs, strategy and policy work regionally and nationally. Prior to Golant, Mandy founded 01zero-one in London’s digital heart, Soho, creating a space for collaboration between the converging sectors of the audiovisual and interactive digital media industries. There she established the InSync network for the digital media sector, featuring leading UK, US and European players, exploring and imagining the future direction of commercial and creative practice in the 21st Century. This is where she gained her experience of helping individuals as well as small and large creative companies interested in new and emerging technologies and cross-platform content to adopt new ways of working, distribution and business models.