Monetising Physical Space at Somerset House

Summit: ldn13

Length: 26:14

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This talk is presented by

Mark Hislop - Commercial Director, Somerset House

Mark spent 28 years in the Retail industry, working across a number of blue chip retailers  (Marks & Spencer, B&Q, Tesco) both UK and international at a senior level. He was managing director of Habitat UK for 3 ½ years (2003-2007) and before his current role in Somerset House, he ran his own consultancy business, working mainly with National Geographic to develop a new Retail concept ( Stores opened in London, Singapore, Madrid)

His Current role as Commercial Director, Somerset House Trust (Sept 2008 – present), sees him charged with delivering a variable income strategy, whilst building sustainability in the future financial viability of Somerset House Trust. A key part of this is to develop and strengthen the Tenant occupation side of the business by releasing HMRC from their remaining lease and refurbishing the vacated wings ready to let to multiple tenants who are drawn mainly from the creative industries. In addition the establishment of quality cafes/restaurants has been a major driver to drawing a more diverse visitor base to the site. The private hire business at Somerset House has been transformed into a significant revenue generator; a number of the private events are now seen as a part of the cultural program.