Summit: ldn15
Length: 13:42
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Oliver Marlow - Creative Director, Studio TILT
Oliver has a unique skill-set as a designer, craftsman, academic and facilitator, working on all levels of the design process. He founded Studio TILT with Dermot Egan in 2010 after they worked together at The Impact Hub, where Oliver was Head of Design. There he led the design process for over twenty five coworking spaces all over the world.
As a leading expert on the design of collaborative spaces, and the relationship between space and creativity, Oliver regularly leads keynotes and runs workshops all over the world. In 2013, he launched the book Codesigning Space, which he wrote with Dermot Egan.
He is a visiting professor at IE Madrid as part of their Revolution in Work series, and has delivered keynotes at numerous international conferences including Corenet and Worktech. In Autumn 2014, he will speak at the Global Design Forum in London and begin work on a major piece of research for Nesta.
Oliver leads the design team pioneering new collaborative design techniques to engage end users in the design and creation of spaces. His portfolio includes working with The Southbank Centre, The National Health Service, Design Council, CABE, Local Authorities in England and Workspace, London's biggest workspace provider.
He has also led his team to participate in a number of exciting installations and initiatives including 100% Design, V&A, London Design Festival and London Festival of Architecture. He holds an MA in English Literature form Edinburgh University.