Summit: nyc14
Length: 07:20
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This talk is presented by
Peter Corbett - Founder & CEO, iStrategyLabs
Peter Corbett is the founder and CEO of iStrategyLabs – a digital agency that develops solutions to clients’ challenges and brings them to life in the online and offline world. He’s widely known for his marketing acumen coupled with a deep technical background, and a focus on community building. His client work includes brands like Disney, ESPN, ABC, NPR, PBS, GE, Microsoft, NASDAQ, Intel, GEICO, American Eagle Outfitters, Pinkberry, Honest Tea, Coca-Cola, Crate & Barrel/CB2, Chase, Rosetta Stone, The US Army, Deloitte, McKinsey, Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, Hilton, Double Tree, Embassy Suites Hotels, Marriott, Sweetgreen and more.
His experiences as a programmer beginning at age 9, designer at 12, concert producer and b-schooler in college, TV producer and ad agency strategist combine to provide a perspective that can only be described as strikingly disruptive.
A tireless champion of innovation, and disruptors everywhere – Peter has become a globally sought after speaker and mentor. His network extends deeply across the US, into Finland, Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, India and beyond. He remains a definitive connector and leader among Washington DC’s creative and technology community having spent years as a grassroots organizer driven to build a healthy ecosystem for entrepreneurs in the nation’s capital.
He has mentored half a dozen startup accelerator classes, advised hundreds of early stage tech companies, founded the massive DC Tech Meetup, and created the 12,000+ person DCWEEK festival.