BFI Player

Please Note: This is an archived blog post from December 18, 2013. For more recent updates, view the latest REMIX news, Agency case studies or homepage


I attended the launch of the BFI Player this week in central London which was introduced by Chair, Greg Dyke. It’s a new digital platform to support both emerging and established British film-makers as well as provide new access to the national film archive. There were some interesting innovations in terms of navigation. The integration of some curation from the BFI’s critically Sight & Sound as well as the archive is a good move as it allows a deeper experience than services such as Netflix and there is scope for even more content cross-over here. BFI Player is only available online at the moment with no App, Smart TV or console support which is a shame but these should arrive in due course.


The business model is also an interesting with free as well as paid for content and it also draws inspiration from other services such as Curzon On Demand by offering the chance to view the latest British films for a price in your own home with access on the same day as their theatrical release.